Oh yeah, I'm still recovering from our awesome trip out to Turner Field last night! For my birthday, my parents hooked me up with the game of my choice and some kick-butt seats! So, of course I chose Game 4 of the Mets, just knowing it would be a sweep. We've never sat this close to home plate before so it was an amazing view. I only wish I brought my 70-200 (big zoom lens) to get a close up of my boys up at bat! But, here's what I got:
Me and the "crazy-eyed killa"

I just loved this guys' shirt...

Chippy-boy is on Fire!!!

Ok, here's the point in the evening where I got a little, shall we say, Angry!
Our seats were 17 rows back, but by the 7th inning I noticed no one had showed up in the 3rd row! Well, why not move on down, right? Get a little closer to the action, cheer a little louder, rally up my team! Well, apparently knocking in the game-tying run, followed by the game-WINNING run is not cause enough to stand up and CHEER????!!!???
I was shouted at: "DOWN IN FRONT! SIT DOWN!"
Excuse me??? But, we just scored! Pardon me for actually being a FAN and getting excited! UGH! Sorry, just had to rant here a bit.
So, back to the awesome action!
Once we got back to our "real fan" seats we were surrounded by people going nuts as they should...

And the end-of-game Fireworks!

Feels so good to be back on the right track and having Frenchy and Texy starting to catch fire this season. From here on out, it's going to get really interesting!