Dahlonega is such a beautiful place to have a wedding. Is such a quaint little town away from the hustle and bustle of Atlanta, but not too far of a drive! And, like always, it was such a great time, with some awesome people! You may remember Rebecca as Jessica's maid of honor back in June! It was great to see all of Jessica's family again. It was also great to get to meet Rebecca and Zach's families who cracked me up with their killer dance skills! Their wedding day was so perfect and here are a few pics from the day... One of the bridesmaids alerted me to this awesome shot from the parking lot!Becca's comfy shoes I had to do something with this awesome piece of art. Becca has the best smile ...and I wonder where she gets it?! Becca's nieces weren't quite sure what to think of Aunt Becca all dressed up.But they soon discovered how fun her veil was! Meanwhile Grandpa was getting his hair done too! Just love these little munchkins! We had some fun with her veil too... Our little Abbey Road rendition Just before Love this shot of Zach and his dad as Becca is coming down the aisle. Unity Candle A few quick smooches.... Then off to the winery! No, that's ok, I got this lollipop... First dances Bouquet Toss excitement! Zach workin his way toward the garter...Pom poms for the exit...Alabama fans...but I still like them;) One last kiss, back at the hotel Thanks to the Byrne's and Phillip's for another great time!! Click here for the slideshow and stay tuned for Nakisha and Michael's wedding.
I was so excited to see a little snippet and shout out we got on the Brides.com blog! This is a pic from Shelby and David's wedding back in July. Click here to check it out! Yay!
How awesome is my job. I get to be with people on the biggest, happiest day of their lives! And I get to capture those moments to be shared for generations. I can't tell you how great it is, and how lucky I am do be able to do it:) I'll keep this post short, because I still have alot of editing to do. But, I wanted to share just a few images from my last 2 weddings. Up first is Christy and Mike's big day at the Marietta Garden Center. They were so cool and laid back and their families were so cool! Grandma could bust a move better than me! Sorry, there's not enough hours in the day for a full blog, but please check out the slideshow for the whole wedding day tale! I found this great spot on this staircase...isn't Christy just gorg?? And you gotta have a dramatic couch shot!The best part was the cake smashing, which you got a peak at earlier. Here's a few more And my faves...last danceAnd the exit...Thanks to Christy and Mike and your awesome familes! I had a great time (and the leg has since healed)! Here's the whole shebang...
Well, well, well...where have I been, you ask? Sorry I've gotten so far behind on le blog, but I've hardly had any time to even breathe lately! I've been so blessed to be so busy and I'm not complaining...I just miss my blog:( Fortunately, I got all day today to finish a few things up and play catch up a little. So! Let me take you back 2 weeks to Labor Day weekend. I had 2 amazing weddings, and Megan and Ross' was the first. We headed up to Big Canoe in Jasper on a beautiful mild day (for August anyway). Can I just say how much I love Megan and Ross? Megan and I met in the most random way, but we hit it off from the beginning. She was trying to sell me advertising space for the Perfect Wedding Guide and we met up for coffee one morning. I didn't end up using them, but that's ok, she quit soon after anyway! Flash forward a few months, Megan calls me up and wants me to shoot her wedding! That was the biggest compliment I've ever had. She said she met with alot of photographers at her job, but remembered me because of how great we got along (and bc I'm awesome and all that...) haha! So, anyway, let's get to the pics shall we? Here's Megan's awesome dress... Seeing each other for the first time all dressed up... Ross and his comfortably dressed groomsmen (love that idea!) Megan and her ladies Divas (sunglasses Megan gave the ladies)Gorgeous flowers by Vickie Powell of Affairs to Remember You cannot beat this view I had during the ceremony My fave of the day...No matter how many jumping shots I take, I love them all... So, there were a few bees flying around the reception. This poor girl happened to swallow one while we were taking a picture...haha Fun times by the lake Having a great time, so I had to be in a pic or 2... I'm so honored I got to be Megan's photographer, but I'm really glad we are also now friends. Had such a blast that weekend...also at Christy and Mike's wedding on Sunday which I will soon post as well:) Then, stay tuned for Rebecca and Zach's vine-aliscious wedding in Dahlonega!!! Please please leave your comments below!! I love getting feedback... Here's the slideshow...