Let me introduce you to...

Same ol' Brenda, same great photos...just a little change in the name. All contracts with Brenda Winn will still be legal, and all checks made to Brenda Winn can still work til the end of the year. This is going to take a little while to change everything over. There is SO much to change! I am hoping to have it done by the end of the week, but I can't guarantee it.
You will still be able to access my website at www.brendawinnphotography.com and brendawinn.com. That will just redirect over to the new domain which is www.brendaupton.com
You will still be able to access your online gallery at brendawinn.instaproofs.com
However, if your event is after 7/27/08 it will be at brendaupton.instaproofs.com.
I will be sending out an email to all my clients from this year to let you know about your slideshow link and all that stuff.
I hope everyone likes it!
Please leave comments below...let me know if I'm crazy or not! And please feel free to email with any questions you might have about this.
Thanks for your support!
I think it's great! It will be a big headache at first but will pay off in the end and you won't have to worry about having two names!
Woohoo! So proud of you.
Your clients will understand, it is still YOU, like you say, the same great photographer, and that's what counts. I am sure Ben is happy too ;)
I am very proud! Love you even if you call yourself Princess Consuela Banana-Hammock! You are an amazing photographer.
-Amy Anken formerly known as Upton
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