Tuesday, February 26, 2008

...Cuz this is Ladie's Night!

I love my neighborhood. Not only do we have a killer Neighborhood Watch, but we have Ladie's Night once a month! This is a time where we get together at someone's house and play Pokeno. It's like Bingo, but with a deck of cards...it's as fun as it sounds. We would have played Twister, but somebody lost the spinner:( Kidding...
Everybody brings a $5 gift and $5 cash. We play for gifts until they're gone, then we play for the Pot of Cash!
I come for the gossip and the laughter...sometimes the wine. But I laid off this time and took some pictures instead. This is my last non-wedding related post before the first wedding of the season on Saturday!

Meet the Ladies of Nalley Drive...

The Pot....I almost won:(

The gifts
I got Pokeno!!!
And won a Gerber Daisy:)
Jill loves paper:)
Our 1994 Braves playing cards...we hope they're not collector's items
Cricket makes these awesome cards
Bobbi won some Shower Gel...is that a hint? :)The show down for the Pot...
Highest card wins...or is it Cutest Player?
Steve Avery...yep he's cuter
Stacy takes it all...

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